Follow Up on Construction Opportunities

Statistics show follow-up accounts for 25% of your win rate, so follow-up is important to ensure you are the one closing that deal! Because the construction industry has a one to many sales process (subcontractors and general contractors are all bidding for one opportunity), it is easy to drop the ball on follow-up and not close an opportunity due to missed follow-up. iDeal CRM supports you to keep track of follow-up with prioritization through automation. In this tutorial:

  • Follow Up on Construction Opportunities

Follow Up on Construction Opportunities

  1. On your Opportunities Board, select the opportunity in one of the Follow-Up stages by clicking the checkmarks on the card(s).
  2. Click on the … breadcrumbs.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Follow Up by Email.
  4. In the follow-up tool, choose whether to follow-up via mail with all main contacts or all contacts attached to the opportunities selected. Then select Run Follow-Up List.
  5. Select an Email Template and Subject and the email body will auto populate from your preset email templates.
  6. Next to each Contact you’ll see when they were last emailed.
  7. For each contact you also have a list of active opportunities with follow-up dates due in the next 2 weeks. You can include any of these active opportunities in the same follow-up email.
    • This feature reminds you of all active opportunities due within the next 2 weeks.
  8. Click Send Email.
  9. After you send the email, the system will prompt you to Set Next Follow-up Date. iDeal CRM updates each client’s follow-up date for the specific opportunities based on the newly set follow-up date.
    • It also recalcutate the opportunity follow-up date for you if you have multiple clients attached to one opportunity (each with a different follow-up date). In that case, the new opportunity follow-up date is the next newest date on the calendar. 
  10. iDeal automatically adds copies of the follow-up emails on each Opportunity and Contact record as Notes.
Follow Up on Construction Opportunities

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iDeal CRM delivers the best construction CRM software features. It empowers construction teams to stay focused, organized, and on track to meet and exceed their sales goals.

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